Plastic Bags Should Be Banned!!!

Over the last couple of terms we have seen the terrible consequences of plastic being littered. In Room 11 we have each written a persuasive argument about plastic bags. Here is a little sample of what has been written. What do you think?

Plastic Bags Must Be Banished!
Written by Caitlin L.T

Millions of people use plastic shopping bags because they are convenient and inexpensive, but you don’t NEED to use plastic bags. Why don’t you use a reusable shopping bag which is safer for the environment. I believe that plastic bags MUST be banned around the world, but if you don’t believe me I’ll tell you why.
Firstly they can affect the marine life and wild animals and all sorts of other animals such as turtles, birds and fish.  They all think plastic bags are food but really they aren’t. Do you want ALL the animals to die, including your pets? I don’t care if you don’t have a pet,just think about other animals that are suffering from plastic bags. Just imagine being an animal. It wouldn't be nice to eat a plastic bag.

Secondly it is bad for the environment or should I say THE WORLD.It can cause a major mess of pollution which is a threat to the WORLD. Did you know it takes 20 years to break down one plastic bag.If you did WHY ARE YOU STILL USING THEM?  DON’T USE PLASTIC BAGS.

Finally I don't want to talk about this but I AM going to talk about how deadly they are. Do you even know what you’re doing to the ENTIRE world? It is horrible. It sickens me to see animals dying from plastic bags. They’re poisonous to the environment. Did you know that fish eat the plastic bags and we eat the fish. To me that’s VERY scary because we are the ones who drop the litter and the litter comes back to us. As soon as we eat the fish it’s too late to pick it up. Worse than all of this... did you know it’s made of oil which is poisonous. I’ll tell you what’s linked to that. Plastic bags are made of oil which is poisonous so don’t even think about burning plastic bags or else you’ll end up where the old plastic bags are at this moment. In the ground!     

After you’ve read all my reasons you MUST understand what I’m trying to say to you. All the pressure is on you so we can empty the world Of plastic bags!!!
How CLEAN would that be!!

You Should Say “Ban Plastic Bags”       
Written by Pisia

What are you doing to our world with that plastic bag? I believe plastic bags should be banned. Plastic bags are horrible. They are killing our earth.

Millions of people use plastic shopping bags because they are good to carry food and inexpensive. But instead of using plastic bags,  use another bag from Countdown. Did you know that Countdown take plastic bags to recycle as well? Plastic bags could end up in the sea and marine animals could die. You must throw that plastic bag back where it was made.

Firstly you are hurting people and our earth. Plastic bags take 20 years to break down. Plastic bag should be ban for ever.

Secondly plastic bags are made out of oil. They fill the landfill and are poisonous. Plastic bags shouldn’t have  been invented  in the first place because they kill our marine animals and there will be no more marine animals on our land. I’ve had enough of seeing plastic bags.

Lastly people do not want plastic bags because when you throw away that plastic bag, animals think it is a jellyfish and they will eat it and die. Throwing plastic bags on the ground is just as bad because the wind can blow plastic bags into the sea. Put your plastic bag in the rubbish bin.

Every single person should stop littering plastic bags because it just kills our environment and our marine animals. Plastic bags should be banned and never be allowed.

BAN Plastic Bags
Written by Latrell

I have seen a lot of plastic bags being littered in my neighborhood. They are killers and they are very disgusting.  I want plastic bags to be banned.

Firstly when people litter their plastic bags, they can go into the sea, oceans and rivers. Some fish might think that it’s food but it’s not. They eat it when they don’t know that it’s poisonous then they die and we eat them and we could get sick or die. When you throw plastic bags away in the ocean, seas or rivers that's means you are killing heaps of marine animals. Do you know how many marine animals you are killing? Of course you know that you are killing a lot of marine animals but it's disgusting to see dead animals on the beach.

You should imagine the world being littered with plastic bags made every day. Do you want plastic bags to take over the  world and let people use too much oil by making plastic bags?

When you go shopping and buy heaps of food for your family and get heaps of plastic bags, that is so much waste. Instead of taking your own reusable bags you are using plastic bags and then littering them. You just don’t care!

Lastly plastic bags are very despicable and they take about 20 years to break down. Also plastic bags are disgraceful and they make earth look horrible and stinky. If you don’t want that to happen then stop using plastic bags and have some respect for our planet.

Everybody should stop making the world look horrible and stop making plastic bags before the whole planet is destroyed.

By Jacob

Millions of people use plastic bags because they are convenient and inexpensive but do you know in other countries there is a law that says if you throw away plastic bags in the main road’s you will be paying thousands of dollars. If you got fined  at other countries you would never do it .So do you want to keep throwing out plastic bags?
Plastic bags must be banned.

Firstly plastic bags are deadly to marine animals.Do you want your country to be looking like we are living in a rubbish bin?Did you know over one million marine animals are killed every year.If this is still going on out there , there will be no more marine life and then it will become extinct, This is why we need you to stop,It does not just effect on animals it will effect  us too.Did you know that hundreds of plastic bags are thrown into the sea and this is why the sea animals are getting killed. This is the reason why we must stop.You should be ashamed of your self because this is all your fault.

Secondly plastic bags are poisonous and toxic. When you burn it the smoke is very strong .The smoke is so strong it is able to kill any animal.It is like this because it is made out of oil. Oil is  dangerous and harmful because it is poisonous  
and toxic.

Lastly plastic bags are horrible to the environment. Plastic bags never be recycled because it can rip and fly away to other places. Plastic bags always go to the landfill.If there are a lot of plastic bags in the landfill the landfill will get worser and worser. If you went shopping would you bring your own bag or just get a plastic bag from the shop or from any supermarket?

Written by Nick

“Blaaa” do you know the sound of that? That is a poor marine creature that is suffocating from your dirty, disgusting, plastic bags. It is a law in others countries if you liter plastic bags you will go to jail for the rest of your life. Why couldn’t it be for the whole globe? You should use another bag that can be reused. I believe they must be banished from the real world.

Firstly it is deadly for our environment. In fact each year the amount of plastic bags thrown away into the landfill is equal to the size of Eden Park’s field and up to the height of the goalpost . But wait it is crazy that  a plastic bag takes 20 years to break down when it is hurting the world.So do you want to make the world die?

Secondly plastic bags are very poisonous. They are made out of oil so when the sea animals eats the plastic bags because they think it is jellyfish they die because the small pieces of plastic bag choke them.When the small pieces of plastic is in the middle of their throat it melts and it turns back into oil.What happens if your plastic bags have big holes in them?  What are you go to do. You can not  burn them because it will make air pollution.  

Penultimately they are a deadly killing machine. It doesn’t just kills marine creatures it kills land creatures and flying animals.If you’ve got the guts to watch it on youtube, it’s disgusting.

Ban plastic bags now.

If you would like to do some further reading on this subject, the link below takes you to an article which discusses current thinking in New Zealand and gives some history. New Zealand has a "clean, green" image but we believe unless we start to make some large changes, we could ruin this forever.

Is it time New Zealand banned plastic bags?

New Zealand churns through about one billion lightweight plastic bags each year, but many say its time we banned this environmental hazard.
