Samoan Language Week

Well finally we are back at school after lockdown. It is still a bit weird because we are at Alert Level 2 and things are not quite the same as Term One but we are glad we are at school again.

One of the things that is different is that we can not have assemblies as a whole school so this year's Samoan Language Week was a little different to those we have had in the past.

We need to thank Mr Martin and Perise for the fantastic videos and resources they found, made and shared with us.

We have had loads of fun talking in Samoan, dancing, singing, acting, creating digital storyboards and creating art.



  1. Cool samoan work cant wait untill you do it again next year(even if Im not at this school)

  2. i really like your blog miss peters

  3. Malo lava (which means "Well done)


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