Off to the Supermarket

Next time you are moaning to your mum about not wanting to go grocery shopping, just stop and think... At BMPS we go to the supermarket to LEARN.

The lovely Brogan from the Heart Foundation lead us on a learning expedition around the shelves at Pak'nSave in Botany but it didn't start there. First we caught the bus at Otara. On the good side, we were nice and early for the bus but on the bad side this meant that we had to wait for quite a while for our 568 bus. Still with great company it didn't really feel like we waited that long.

"I found out that butter has a lot of salt and fat," Manaia.

"I found out that there are no healthy museli bars," Jacob.

"I found out that cheese has a lot of fat," Vivienne.

"I saw vegetables that I haven't seen before," Zyriana.

"I found out that Vogel's Bread has only 6 mg of salt, " Ali.

"I found out that there are dark brown, red and yellowish potatoes," Lanah.

"Inside we were learning that there was sugar hiding the cereal boxes. It looked healthy but there was sugar inside," Prix.

"We saw that there was more sugar in Nutri-grain that there was in Weetbix and I found out that kiwifruit can be yellow as well as green," Dawn.

" I saw more than five cereals that had more sugar than I thought," Caitlin.

Brogan taught us a rhyme to help us remember what to look for when we are looking at food labels. When we look at the per 100 grams column we remember: 
Ten, Ten, Five, keeps me alive.
What about the 400 on the line. 

This means we should look for foods that have under ten grams of fat, under ten grams of sugar, more than 5 grams of fibre and less than 400mg of sodium. This will be a good healthy food to have everyday.


  1. 10, 10, 5 keeps me alive! Have you shared this with your whanau? Do you get the chance to shop, and help choose healthy food? I enjoyed doing this learning with Brogan, as there were many foods that i thought were healthy, and they aren't-boo!

    BY TIA


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