Mindfulness with Kerry

This is the class playing mindful movement with Kerry.
Yesterday was our first session back with Kerry. We remembered how to do straight back soft belly breathing. It was a bit new for some people, but they manged to fit in just fine. We did some mindful movement where we connected finger tips and did an action and then we guessed what kind of emotion it was based on.

These are the Inca berries.
This is Leah investigating the berry.
After that  we did mindful eating, which was the best part of the session. We got to investigate the different types of berry which were called  Inca berries. Some people thought it tasted like wine, sweet, sour and soda which was a new taste too.

At the end Ali got a chance to ring the bell after we took three breathes and then we ended the first session back with Kerry. Thanks Kerry.                                                                           

This is the class guessing what  type of fruit he had brought.

Written by Caitlin and Dawn.
This is Kerry explaining what we are going to do next.
