Superstars... Performing at the Diversity Awards NZ

Abi- Last week some children decided to perform at the New Zealand Diversity Awards and I was one of them. Our group performed in front of more than 600 people. When we reached the stage the whole group was nervous but there was no turning back now. The first song we sang was the National Anthem then He Honore, Sipaio, Va’ai ele pepe, Kapioioi and “Don’t worry about a thing” by Bob Marley. Once we had finished we walked off stage and went back into our room. We grabbed our bags and took off. The voice club group had a fun time and will probably want to go back.

Kane- Last week on Wednesday night almost all of Room 11 and some of Room 8
went to the Diversity Awards.We got up on the stage and I think all of us got a little stage fright.
Miss Peters said that we were going to be performing in front of over six hundred and thirty people.
We sang Don't Worry by Bob Marley, Siopio and Va’ai ele pepe. After all that we had a fun time and
enjoyed it.      

Mikaylah- Some children had the privilege to perform at the New Zealand Diversity Awards and
I was among those children. We were the entertainment for more than 600 people. The Voice Club
group was very nervous but we had it over and done with. We sang He Honore, Sipaio,
Va’ai ele pepe, Kapioioi  and’’ Don’t worry about a thing’’ by Bob Marley. We also sang the
National Anthem even though we didn't expect to sing it. Overall, the Voice Club Group had a
fun time.

Laurel- Last Wednesday we had something special to do. We sang to 630 people in a big room.
The room was so beautiful and colourful. First thing we did was to sing the National Anthem then
the songs that we sang were Sipaio, Va’ai ele pepe, Kapioioi and Don't Worry by Bob Marley. We
had fun that night singing and seeing lots of people clapping. At the end of the last song everyone
stood up and started clapping and we were proud and brave when they did that.

Zantye- Last week 24 people went to perform at the Diversity Awards. We had a lot of fun even though some of us were so nervous. I think the 24 kids who went  were very proud of themselves and I think we performed in front of 630 people. We sang Va’ai ele pepe, Ka pioioi, He Honore and the last one was Don’t Worry About a Thing by Bob Marley. In the beginning we sang the National Anthem but we didn’t start it. At the end we got handballs and lollipops from Miss Peters. 

MIKEY- On Wednesday, Voice Club and I perform at the Cordis in the city. It was cool to see the wonderful people. We performed in front of 630 people and they almost filled up the whole room. I was nervous at the start but I got used to it. Some people were telling other people to shush and that made me laugh. As we finished we all got hand balls as a gift we also got yummy lollipops which melted in my mouth. That was fun and I wished that I could do it again.

Destiny- Last Wednesday the voice club group traveled to the city to a hotel called Cordis to perform at the Diversity Awards. We proudly impressed Miss McAree,  Mr Lyth, Miss Peters and 630 other people. We also saw the Anuanua drumming group. The wonderful people started walking in and all I could hear was Mikaylah complaining that she wished for a purple dress that one of the women was wearing. We did not know at all that we would have to lead the National Anthem but we made no fuss and just did it. After that night we went back to school and we were singing different types of songs on our way back to school. It was one of the best nights ever.

Brian- Last Wednesday night I was part of the voice club group that got to go to the Diversity Awards. There were more than 600 people sitting down at their table eating and drinking while we stood up on stage and entertained them by singing and playing instruments. We sang songs like Sipaio, Va'ai Pepe, Kapioi and Don’t Worry. At first I was super nervous but when we started singing my nerves calmed down. To me it was amazing but if you ask the others they might say something different. A big thanks to Miss Peters who taught us the instruments and taught us the songs, THANKS SO MUCH MISS. It was the best night yet.

Merceius- Last Wednesday voice club had a big performance singing in front of 630 people. We sang sipaio,va’ai ele pepe, kapioio and last song we sang was”Don't Worry” to end. When we got to the hotel we went in to a little room just before we got on stage we had water and a bar. Once we got onto stage we were very nervous but our voices made us forget about what might happen and it would be terrible failing. I would like to give a big thank you to Miss Peters for teaching us these wonderful songs.   

Miss Peters - What a proud evening. This wonderful group of students stepped up and represented Bairds Mainfreight in the best way ever!
