Tongan Language Week

Week Seven was Tongan Language Week. 

Room 11 along with our buddy class, Room 19, hosted the assemblies at the beginning and end of the week.

We learnt two songs together so we could perform them. We also learnt some basic phrases so we could have a basic conversation in Tongan. We of course had some experts who helped us a lot,  especially with pronunciation.

Here is the beautiful song we learnt.

We learnt a second song which was nice and simple. We asked everyone to learn it over the week so we could sing it together on Friday. 


We also set a challenge for all of the classes. Every class was asked to do some research and have someone ready to share back at the Friday assembly.  Some of the presentations were simply amazing.

It was fantastic to learn a little bit more about the Kingdom of Tonga.  We all undertook some research to find out about the country and its traditions then we shared this back to the class.

From all of the photos we saw of Tonga, it certainly looks like an amazing place to visit.


  1. Very nice songs you have there!

  2. I thoroughly enjoyed the learning during Tongan Language Week. You did a great job Room 11 and Room 19. The new songs were brilliant and you inspired some great learning for all of the classes. How do you say "great work" in Tongan?


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