Team Challenges

Today we were faced with a tricky challenge.

Right at the beginning of the activity, Miss Peters told us that she wasn't going to say one word throughout the task. She put up the instructions and left us to it. This is what it said:

Cooperative challenge: WALHT: work cooperatively, sharing our ideas and listening to others.

Equipment - three or four pieces of string, scissors, one rubber band and six cups.
Aim - use your string and rubberband "tool" to move the cups to make a pyramid structure.
Step 1:  Tie the three or four pieces of string to the rubber band.
Step 2: Working together, you all need to use your "tool" to move the cups. You can not use your hands to move the cups.

Working together, with terrific growth mindset, we all successfully completed this challenge.

Then she really stepped it up.  Together as a class, we had to complete a gigantic pyramid with ten cups at the bottom,  Here are some photos of this challenge.

Unfortunately we weren't able to complete this final challenge but we certainly tried. After time was called, we discussed what had gone well and what we could have done differently. 

This challenge certainly made us think. Why don't you try it yourself :) 


  1. I thoroughly enjoyed listening to you discuss possibilities and solutions to the challenge. There some some groups who had great success!


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