What do you think about zoos? - take two... our arguments against zoos

Here are our arguments AGAINST zoos

Zoos, A Prison For Animals

Written by Brian and George
Do you think zoos are good for animals? Well we know zoos are horrible. Zoos actually take away an animal’s happiness. Being away from their own habitat is not normal for them.

Firstly, in zoos, animals are treated cruelly. In fact some animals are dying because the zookeepers take no risk for the animals. Normal behaviour for animals is getting out of hand. Animals are suffering from boredom and stress because the children that visit the animals yell and scream. It makes them so angry and frustrated. We’ve seen a tiger being annoyed by the craziness of people. For the safety of animals we need to let them back into the wild or else they will suffer and die.

Secondly, some animals go crazy and wild. They might break out and escape. If animals escape they will put people and other animals in danger. We would all be disappointed if there were no animals. That is why we need to help animals carry on their natural instincts and let them back into the wild.

Penultimately, Well I guess some animals adore living in zoos but animals like whales that are kept captivity will obviously suffer. They NEED vast room to swim because whales can swim up to 100 km a day. How are you feeling now knowing these animals are in danger because of YOU?

In summary, zoos are still horrible. Animals are sickened by zoos but you can change that by stopping zoos. Just don’t go there. Let the animals go back to the wild. 
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Zoos are One of the Worst Things on Earth

Written by Ezrah and Henry

Have you ever questioned why zoos were created? Well you should, because they are a danger to all animal species.

Firstly, dangerous animals sometimes attack and kill defenceless civilians. Believe it or not, it’s true. Some zoos let the animals attack other animals just for people's entertainment. Did you know that when lion cubs become adult lions they start to fight and try to kill each other.They then try to escape and hunt like they used to in their natural habitat. You know that is very strange and confusing to the animals right?

Some of the most interesting and attractive animals are only brought into zoos for money. Some zoos tame the animals for the kid’s entertainment which is very unnatural. A long time ago, circuses used to viciously whip elephants because they did the wrong thing. That was one of the most cruel and unbelievable thing that happened.

Some zoos tell their visitors to try and make the world better for the animals. But they don’t care! Did you know that the keepers don’t even care about the animals? All the workers around the zoo try to hide in unpopular places so they can ‘look after’ the animals. Do the bosses ‘care’ about the species? The only thing that they do is make their butt smooch the chair and make themselves filthy rich.You should be ashamed of yourself if you’re the boss for a zoo.

Surely you agree by now that having zoos is like a prison in hell but for animals. What do you think?

Image result for UNhappy animal

Zoos are the Devil's Dungeon 

Written By Kane & Allando

“Zoos why zoos!”

Do you want to have animals near you every day? Well I do but guess what? You’re going to have to get a dog or a cat or even a pet fish, if you want to see an animal because zoos are not a nice place for animals to live. We must put an end to all of this. But we can not do this without you so we have to share our ideas and persuade the government to outlaw zoos.

Nowadays people think that it's ok for animals to be in captivity instead of living in their natural habitat. It is outrageous that they have to suffer dancing and having tea parties just for you!!! It is not fair that you have to be a part of all this chaos! Animals may just be a toy to you but the way we see it, it is just torture to the most precious creatures on the planet.

Next , we would be honored to tell you about how animals get stressed during the day. Firstly a tiger gets stressed when children shout and bang on the glass but kids don’t know that the tiger gets annoyed every day of his life. The tiger will walk back and forth over and over again. Do you think this is normal?

Furthermore, animals need vast space to roam. Animals start to eat other animals because the caretakers don’t bother to feed them properly.

In conclusion this is why we think zoos are horrible and should be outlawed. 
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Zoos are a Terrible Enslaved Hell

Written by Merceius and April 

We strongly believe animals should be properly taken care of and zoos do not do this.
Firstly, animals in zoos don't have a natural lifestyle because some zoos send unplanned baby animals to slaughter or different zoos.Just imagine that something has happened and you'll never see your mum again. Would you like it if that was you?

Secondly, animals are stressed or bored because they need vast space to run around and be free to do whatever they want. Sometimes animals do cause a lot of damage and if they weren't trapped in captivity they wouldn’t cause that much damage to the zoo. Some animals live shorter lives than they do in the wild.
Others may say that zoos have loving, caring people to help the animals to learn how to swim, climb and swing from vine to vine but animals do not need humans to teach them because they will just do it naturally.

In summary, zoos a disgrace to animals and they should be banned and never seen again. We think that zoos are a waste of money and time.

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Written by CJ & Silas

Zoos, Zoos, Zoos a disgusting animal prison. Who created these chambers of suffering? In our opinion we find zoos terrible for their show puppets, the animals.

Firstly, some animals don’t get taken care of and we have seen evidence of their unusual behaviour like a tiger trudging up and down the walk way because of stress and boredom. Others need vast room to roam and explore, such as birds, elephants, and whales. They need to stay occupied or their anger and boredom will take over.

Secondly, some animals get put back in their original habitat which is bazaar because they would naturally stick together. Newborns that have just been discovered also get sent away to circuses, their old habitat or even different zoos. Have you ever seen their behaviour in person? Well I have!

Thirdly, some people may say that animals love it and it's an animal paradise, For starters they live in captivity, they’re tortured and enslaved to do whatever you command. Does that sound like paradise to you?

That's why zoos should be shipped to a parallel universe and never return ever again.
