Art Exhibition

Well our 2019 Art Exhibition is open and already many families have been through and been amazed by the beautiful artwork. The hall is a riot of colour!!!

Her are some photos of us working on our art.

Our feathered headdresses and dream catchers look amazing.

Henry - "As soon as I walked in the door my first response was WOW.
All the art was surrounding the globe which was our theme “Around the World”
The one piece of art that caught my eye the most was Craige F’s from Room 18 because it had very creative flows and it was a wonderful Japanese symbol. The class I loved was Room 8 because their patterns were very detailed and cool looking. The first time I saw my artwork in the classroom I thought it looked "meh" but now I’ve looked  at it in the exhibition, I actually regret saying those words to myself.The country I'd like to learn about the most is Africa because I want to learn about the spirit with the animals and how they have to work for EVERYTHING because when I grow up I want to do things for countries in danger."

Brian - "The first minute I walked into the hall I thought WOW! I was excited to see what was going to be inside. I walked around being amazed by all the outstanding art work and one art work caught my eye. Danh Danh Le’s art work caught my eye because of her beautiful creation of Simba. Room 11 and Room 3’s art work was the best out of all of the classes. I liked Room 11’s because of the mind-blowing patterns and beautiful colours and Room 3’s art work I have no words for because it is just amazing. My response to my artwork is, it's amazing but I think that I could’ve done better with the patterns on the feathers. I am really impressed with the individual spider web I created on my dreamcatcher. The place I would love to learn about is the arctic and antarctic because of the amazing animals that live there and how is it made out of icebergs and ice. I know this wasn't a country in the Art Exhibition but I think it would be cool"

Mikaylah - "As I entered the Art Exhibition, the first thing I noticed was the different flags that were hung up in the entrance. My first response to the art at the front was ‘’WOW! I’m going to have a great time here!’’and I did. My favourite piece of art was made by Aloalii in Room18. They created a famous tree in China. Room 18 used different coloured dyes to make a beautiful background.They than  used Indian ink to form the trees.The teacher poured some ink on the paper and then the children blew the ink with a straw.This made the ink go in different directions. After that they got small pieces of tissues and stuck it on the paper to make it look like a blooming flower. That was the best. The best class art was Room 24. Their art was based on animals from Peru. They made animals like sloths, macaws, snakes and many more. My feedback for my own work was that I could do better if I didn't rush and if I took my time. My dream catcher was a great hit. Overall, I think I did really well.The country I’d love to learn about more is Peru because the animals that Room 24 made were very interesting and detailed."

Abi - "When I first walked into the hall, my first thought was “Wow it's so colourful." The first thing I noticed was all the flags that hung above the entrance. My favourite piece of art was by Craig .F in Rm 18  because I loved the way he chose good colours that blend well together and it made me feel warm inside. My favourite class art was Room 20's building because I loved the way they were all different shapes and I liked how they had different designs. The first thing I thought of my art was I liked the way it turned out and I love my dream catcher because it's my favourite colour blue. The next country I would like to learn about would be Spain because they have different styles and designs."

Peter  - "When I walked into the hall a world of colours just flew into my face like it was just amazing!! Everything was so colorful and detailed but my favorite was the  class Room 25 with their Egypt creation because they did so much color on the mummy like yellow pink red orange blue.  My favorite piece of art was also in Room 25 and it was Dayton’s because his one just looked the coolest and the neatest and because it was inspired by Hades. I really liked our class’s art because it was so!!! Colourful with all the different looking feathers and the different colours. I thought my art was super colourful and I think I did a good job."

Laurel - "I walked into the hall I saw lots of bright colours in the hall. All the classes have made wonderful and creative art work for the art exhibition for BMPS. Emmanual and Kian from Room Ten made a beautiful love heart that was a pinata with a bow to top it off. Room Ten made creative pinatas and the colours popped out in the hall and different designs they made in pairs. I think my artwork is very cool  because I did it with a little bit of help from people and the colours I added was very cool but not bright. I want to learn about China because China is very different to New Zealand and they have a wonderful language but I don't know about their food, except that they eat insects, spiders and lots of different kinds of food."

Demitrji  - "So when I walked into the hall I thought WOW! All I could see was colour and different kind of countries and there were lots of things I need to learn about.
The first thing I noticed was a big round ball which was our world called Earth. My favourite piece of art was the pinatas by Room 10 because they had different cartoons and video games.I liked Room 10’s  art because I love the things they did like Black Panther who is my favourite superhero. I think my artwork is amazing because I learned something new. I would like to learn more about South Africa now."

Mikey - "I walked in the hall  and I was already shocked. I saw the rest of the art and I felt like I shouldn’t have been there but I had no choice. The art was amazing so I walked around and I saw the one that I think was the best. That was  the golden play button it is  made by  Jacob and Noah in Room 10. I like how it was detailed and I actually thought it was real gold. My favorite class was Room 15 because I liked how they traced so carefully. I think they’re better than me at tracing.  I think  my artwork was alright. I tried my best but I thought it would be the best but it wasn’t so I give myself a  7 out of 10. I would like to learn more about Native Americans because I didn’t understand them that much."

Zantye - "When I  walked  into the hall I got really shocked and surprised how AMAZING their art work was and how all  the colours just shone like a spotlight.
The first amazing thing I noticed was every piece of art work had a lovely display and everything was so detailed and eye catching.
I really liked room 18 because they had  blended in the colours and they put the black so it can looked like the colour of the branch. It has beautiful colours mixed together like rainbows and I also like the flowers that they added in. My favorite class as a whole display was room 4  because they drew and designed all different kinds of Indian houses.I like how they spelt their name in Indian and I also liked the little bit of path down at the bottom which kind of look like glitter.
My own response for my own work was completely amazing and I know, I have worked hard but I got there in the end. I have completed both of my art works  which was the dream catcher and my headdress and it looked wonderful which makes it eye catching.
The country that I would like to learn about is Indian and I also want to learn how to spell my name in Indian but not only India,  there are few more countries that I would like to know about such as England, China and Spain."

Colin - "Walking into the hall curiously, like a monkey looking for a banana, I could see all of the fantastic art. All I said was THIS THIS LOOKS SUPER COOL!’ I wondered if I would see my two best friends work in Room 7. I was looking and looking but I could not find it and it was the first one I saw but I didn’t see the room number I thought it was Room 4’s. Then I finally read the label and they had done Mexican Art. there theme was the Day of the Dead. My favourite piece of art is Room 3’s because it had a huge lit up dragon that was spitting fire and it also looks sort of derpy and their theme was China and that's my favourite one until the next art exhibition. I think my art looked good but not great it could have been  better if I had if I put the feathers under that circle thing."

Ocean - "As I walked through the gorgeous hall my face went amazing as I saw the beautiful art exhibition. It just  bloomed to my face.
 One of my favourite pieces of art is Eva’s and Soteria’s in Room 10 because they made a pinata that  stood out  all together and it looked amazing all together.
The class that I choose that had the best display was Room 10 because I love how they all had partners and worked together with all sorts of colours that stand out all together.
My own response to my piece of art is  that it  was amazing because at least I got it done by Wednesday before we handed it in. The countries I want to learn about are India and China because I want to learn how to spell my friends name and also my own name. "

Evalonie - "As I walked in the big art exhibition the art in the front was beautiful and lovely and we had to walk around and see whose art was our favourite and mine is Delles’s one because it was interesting to look at and she did amazing patterns of Mexico. The other one I liked was by Theresa in Room 16 not just because she’s my sister but because it's her first art exhibition ever. My favorite class art was Room 9 because they showed how they design their bracelets on paper first. I think my art is good because it has very good patterns on my feathers. The wonderful country I want to learn more about is China because there are lots of searching in it and you could pick the colours you would like in it and if I can pick more than one, I could pick all of them because there all so beautiful and so skilled and intelligent too."

Merceuis - "Walking through  the hall my eyes were full of wonder when I saw all the beautiful, amazing,  colourful art  It was very creative work. One that really amazed me was done by Elexus in Room 18. Her artwork was very stunning because the background looked like she didn’t rush it and the black ink was used with a long straw along with little plastic pieces of
paper to look like cute flowers. The class that I thought stood out the most was Room 13 because I liked how they had a different kind of art and a little light and cute designs that I thought suited the art. My own response to my work is that I did my best and I actually like it but I think I didn't put enough glue on. After all the art I’ve discovered I really want to learn about America because the have lots of hidden secrets and weird types of foods. "

April - "I walked in the hall and my face went wow when I saw how many kids who had done  all of the work. My favourite piece was the lion king art by Room 22 because it was so cute how they did it and they made it with black ink and made there little lion's they made it really cool to seeI. The Whole display of  Room 4 was cool because they drew at  first then they painted it they made a Indian white house. It was really amazing to see the lovely work that  they put in the art exhibition. My art is amazing and colorful with the green, blue, pink, I think that everyone  in Room 11 did well on it they did the hard work in the panting and on the dream catchers and Miss Peters by  finishing on the last day.  It was fun to do. I would like to learn about  MEXICO because it is very cool to do and learn about it and how they live in they little island and how did they came with the idea of dead people and lean how to speak Mexican."

Bryce- "As soon as I walked into the hall I exploded with excitement. When I got in the hall it was like a maze. I thought that all of the classes did so so so so so good on their art.The class that I liked was Room 3 and the person I liked the most was Xavier because it was the neatest in the class. I think I would give my art a 5/10 because it is  kind of neat to me but I have to be honest so it is 5/10. After the art exhibition I want to learn more about egypt because I want to know more about the coffins and the pyramids and they stop the bodies from rotting."

Rangi  - "WOW I said as I talk my first step into  the hall. Look look wow this is one big globe. I walked around  to see Room 10’s AMAZING art work and then it just hit me like a colorful rainbow shining in the daylight. It was the pinata made by Emmanel and Kian.
Their art work was glamourous and eye catching like if I was  12 km away I could still see it because it was outstanding. I went around the corner than boom it was like I just got hit by lightning but for a good reason. It just caught my eye it had bright colors and flashing lights it was the art made by Room Three. It was my favourite piece of art out of all of them. After that I started to walk around then out of the blue  I saw my gorgeous, beautiful and outstanding art. I just had to get closer I had to see it, I then noticed that there were people surrounding my teacher like a hound of elephants. “What are you doing?” I asked
“Come Rangi come take a photo with your art.”  WOW this is amazing. I  love everything. Soon after that I went to look at other classess  and I was wondering to myself should we do China next because it is so fascinating."

Kane - "So we went to the hall, and the first thing I thought was wow. Wind blew in my face making me feel like one thousand angels past through  what a competition we have. O M G look at Room 10’s amazing Golden Youtube plate and black panther as well. Wow Loraza what a great piece of art. Overall I think Room 10 was the best out of all the classes. Even though my art looked good I think  could do better. I would like to learn about  Africa because looking at Room 22’s art, it looked awesome." 

Allando - "As I stepped in the colorful maze of the art  exhibition I was like wow. My favourite one was our buddy class Room 17 because it looked like  an adult  had done it I was saying I can’t even do art like that. Room 10 made pinatas. I  like Loraza & Josephs one. They made Black Panther. I  really did good  and my art looks awesome with our class. We did hard work and  I am so proud of myself. I want to learn more about Africa and learn about their lifestyle."

Ezrah  - "As I walked into the colourful hall I noticed my art being right in the front, different kinds of art work filled my head . WOW it looks amazing! I went on with my art adventure then I saw my favorite piece of art, it was Ezra and Mino’s money bank pinata. It was AMAZING how they made it. I saw mine then I realized that  my art work was right in the front, but I liked it being where it is now. I think all of Room 11's art was outstanding. The class that I thought was the best was Room 22 because it looked so cool and great for year twos.  It was a lion with a cool sunset background.  I give them a big fat 10/10. I would like to learn about Greece to find out what the vases are made for and how they put patterns on the glass or clay."   

Gafatasi  - "As I walked quietly inside the hall  I saw the amazing art exhibition. The  first word  that came out was “fantastic.”  So then I had to check if all the other class were better than Room 22 but then as I saw the final class,  Room 10  and that looked amazing with all the stuff like marshmello face, captain america’s  shield and something else but was fantastic, amazing, and beautiful art. My favourite thing was Room 10’s art. When I saw my art I thought it was amazing and I was happy with it."

Shiah- "Fascinated, I took two more steps and  pops of colour burst into my face ‘WOW’ I felt like I was in a rainbow then I noticed a bright luminous arrangement of colour and shapes near the side.  I had to see this up close. As I approached  the unique piece of art I saw kids circle around it like teenage girls at a Justin Bieber concert. This,oh this had to be one of my favourite pieces but which one? Room 20 made this hard one me but then me and my friends agreed John’s was the best. Right next to it was ours. Oh no,  I tillted my head to the right and I got a glance at it but I could not see mine then I saw it. I’ve got to be honest,  I'm sure it looked better in class. I don’t know what happened,  my dream catcher looked just as beautiful as I had left it but the headdress...I tried to avoid it by going to a class quite a distance away so when I saw Room 3’s it was just AMAZING  It was quite complex. They had illuminated multi coloured flowers scattered around the floor and what really did it was the dragon. That,  was the most outstanding thing. "

James - "As I walked in the hall  I said WOW these works are so lovely I want to see more of the art. So I went to  Room Ten's art  and my eyes just went huge when I saw it. They made pinatas and they were so colourful and nice and the colours blended in together. I liked Loraza & Josephs's one because they made Black Panther. I did good  in my art and it looked so cool and awesome with the others. I want to learn more about China and their lifestyle now."

George  - "As I took one step into the hall the first word that came out of my mouth was wow  that's amazing. The thing that I was looking at was the lion king because it blends and I liked how the lion was standing on the rock and he was looking at the clouds. Then I went to look at Room 18's  and it was stunning because it had lots of colour and it was colourful and it blended in perfectly. It had a tree and colour at the background and that's the other thing that I like. I went to have a look at my own one and I didn't like the pattern but I liked my own paint and color and that's why I chose it because it went with the colour. I want to learn more about China because it's has great creatures and it had interesting stuff that I can't wait to learn more about."

Esila - "When I first walked  into the hall I thought it was so awesome especially when I saw the beautiful sunset lion picture that was drawn by Room 22. My favorite art in  the  hall was the simba sunset pictures by Room 22  because they had beautiful bright colours and the sunset was just outstanding. It was such a good picture for a year two. My favorite classroom art was Room 13 because when I saw their cool as candles, they looked like the genie's lamp."   
