This is a very famous sentence which is used when you are learning to type because it has all 26 letters of the English alphabet in it.
Today we wrote our own pangram. It is easy enough to do this but the challenge is to make it small.
"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog," only has nine words.
"The five boxing wizards jump quickly," only has six.
Peter & Allando
"The cool lizard and lion accelerated past the big fat queens while they played on the x-box one games and ran over rocks."
Ezrah & Sosene
"The ugly witches kick boxed the wrinkly hyena, quickly and fast they jumped over a zebra."
Zantye & Helaina
"Zooming across the room in my pink pyjamas, I looked in the yellow box, quivering furiously."
Ocean and Laurel
"The weird, old, beautiful fox was at the zoo, quivering like a jumping scared cat."
Shiah &Merceius
"Onomatopoeia!" are you joking said Blake. "Fix what's wrong Victor and Zack!"
Kane & George
"Zane jumped towards the x-ray room behind Victor as a frog leaped quickly past."
April, Abi & Rangi
"The five foxes turned into wizards and jumped quickly over the giant black moon."
Evalonie & Mikaylah
"The incredible frog jumped over a crazy old wise wizard that was flying a kite to get to the queen."
James & Da-Rrell
"The big zebra was boxing the most crazy wizards that jumped up very quickly."
Demitrji & Mikey
"All my boxes were taken by an ugly wizard named Jhaqi Alfie who was from the planet Venus.
Brian & Colin
"The horrific xylophone munched on a queen sized bed violently in a virtual world."
Esila and Vai
"I visited the zoo to x-ray some big foxes as well as drinking juice with the Queen and Peter."
It's trickier than it sounds. Why don't you give it a go :)
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