Kensuke's Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo - Read our reviews

"It is easier when you are old like me, Micason," he said.
"What is?" I asked.
"Waiting," he said. "One day a ship will come, Micason. Maybe soon, maybe not so soon. But it will come. Life must not be spent always hoping, always waiting. Life is for living." 

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Brian-  What is one thing you would use to build a hut if you were stranded on an island
surrounded by trees, water and a stranger from Japan?
Kensuke’s Kingdom is a book written by Michael Morpurgo. We started reading this book at
about week six this term and finished it in week ten. It is a book about a boy who disappeared
on his 12th birthday when he fell off a boat called Peggy Sue. He was stranded on an island
for almost a year. He made a friend, a man from Japan. Kensuke’s Kingdom is a very cool
book and I really enjoyed it. I think the book is recommended 7+ because children younger
than 7 might just not get or they wouldn't understand. My rating for this book out of 10 is 9/10
because some parts of the book were very boring but not all.   

Henry-What would you do if you left on a deserted island?
The book Kensuke’s Kingdom was about a boy named Michael and he washed out of his boat,
the Peggy Sue. After a bit he becomes friends with a Japanese veteran who kept him alive for
nearly a whole year while Micheals parents sailed around the world looking for him.
Me, I particularity liked this book. It was a cool book. I loved all the pictures because they were
unique. I recommend this book for 10 year olds and older. My rating is an 11 out of ten because I loved it and it was very cool.

Vai -  How would you feel when you were found by your family after being stranded on an island for a year? Would you like being stuck on an island for a year hoping your family would rescue you? 
This fascinating book is about a boy called Michael who goes on a trip with his family around
the world on their ship, Peggy Sue.  One night a storm hits and Michael and his dog Stella fall
off the ship because they are not wearing a harness. 
I like the way the books ends happily.  I would recommend this book to 10-11 year olds interested in fiction stories. I rate this book 9/10.    

Evalonie  - If you were stranded on an island, what would you do?
What if you do if a junk boat came to that island to get your family? And what would you do if
you got stung by a jellyfish .  This amazing book was about a young boy named Michael and he had a friend named Eddie. Eddie gave him a football because he was moving and Michael’s dad didn’t have much money to pay the rent until he had a new home, a boat called the Peggy Sue. You can find out the rest if you read the book.   
I like everything in the book and I disliked nothing. I think this book can be read by anyone
10 years and above because I think that the children under 10 could think its boring. I rate this book 10/10.

Abi- How would you survive on an island?
The book Kensuke’s Kingdom was about a boy named Michael who sailed on a boat called the
Peggy Sue with his mum and dad. So the day before his birthday he goes missing and gets
to a deserted island. While he is on the island he finds an old man named Kensuke. When he
gets to know the man and a little bit of the island, Kensuke ends up helping him to get back
home. I really like this book because it has a really good mind pictures and the pictures that
are in the book are very unique. I would recommend this book to people 6 years and over and
overall I would rate this book a 10/10.

Mikaylah- What would you do if you were stranded on an island all alone, no food, no water, nothing but you, a dog,orangatans, gibbons and an old man. What would you do? Well a young boy named Michael went through exactly what I just said. He fell off the ‘’Peggy Sue’’ his boat that he shared with mum and dad, got washed up on an island and met an old man named Kensuke and a bunch of orangatans, some gibbons all of whom soon became his island family. He learns a lot living with Kensuke such as when and when not to swim, where to find the ripe fruit, how to paint on an island surrounded by water and how to sing to animals so they respond. Despite some of the boring parts, I still loved the book. I recommend this book for 11+ because there are some hard words and little kids might not understand some of the difficult words. I rate this book 9 ½ out of 10.

Laurel- This book is about a boy who accidentally fell off his boat in the middle of the night. He was swept up onto an Island with orangutans.
I liked how they described what happened in the water and how the soccer ball was not there
anymore because the sea washed it away from him and his dog. I didn't like how at the end
the man lived on the island for years didn't leave the island and go to England because he wanted to protect the orangutans.
I would recommend this book to someone aged 10+ because some of the words in this book
young children wouldn't know and young children would fiddle around with stuff on the
ground. I give it a 9 ½ out of 10.

Da-Rrell  - This book was very interesting, I like the part when they fell off the Peggy Sue and got washed up on an island. Kensuke pulled Michael and his dog Stella onto the shore. He found a cave and slept there for a night than in the morning he found his dog on  top of the cave eating something. He went and saw that it was fish and a bowl of water. There was a rock on top and when he climbed up he found water fish and red bananas. He wanted to get off the island and he remembered how his friend back home went to the back of the school and they used a piece of glass to light a fire. Was it a good idea to light a fire? I think anyone 10+ would like this book. I give it 10/10.   

Peter-What would you do if you were stranded on an island with no way to get food and you thought
that you were alone? Well that is what happened to Michael. Michael was just a normal kid until one
day the company that his dad and mom were working at went bankrupt. I don't really want to spoil
the hole adventure so I will recommend it for 5 - 12 year olds and I will rate it 10/10. I really liked the
part when Michael lit a fire and Kensuke, the old man puts, sand on it and gives Michael a growling.

Kane - If you were stranded on an island with no food, no water and no family and you meet the
oldest man named Kensuke what would you do? 
This book is about a brave and fearless boy named Michael and his Peggy Sue. He gets bitten
by millions of jellyfish. In my opinion the parts I heard were pretty good. The man warned him
but their trust was not as strong as it was at the end. One year later,  Michael's family came
and took him away. Even though Kensuke was lonely he still wanted Michael to go but Michael
didn't want him to stay by himself so Michael asked him to go with him.
I recommend this to people who like novels and reading. I give it 8/10.
