
Henry: For the past two weeks we have been having squash lessons with some guys named Jude and Neil. This week I was in the finals to see who was the best at squash in Room 11. The finalists were Me, Vai, Kane, James and Demitrji. I never thought I was going to win but surprisingly, I did. There was a surprise contender and his name was the almighty Jude. I had goosebumps and we played in the champion court. He made me smash myself into the cold hard walls. It was cool. He told me that I have real talent and I walked away happy.

Colin: We've been  playing squash. Squash is a SUPER fun game to play with your friends. We are doing squash every Tuesday with Jude. On our first lesson we learnt how to serve the ball and where to hit the ball in between these two lines and on our last two games we got competitive with each other in our group and in my group Kane won. The next week we pretty much did the same thing but after we had played in our groups, the people that won all had to verse each other and Henry won over everyone.       

Da-Rrell:  For the past two weeks we have been learning how to play a very fun game called squash. Last week on Tuesday we learnt how to hit the ball. We went over all the rules for squash. We all so learnt how to serve the ball which has to hit in between the serve line and the top line. The last two games we got competitive with other groups. The winner of each group challenged each other.  This week  Jude brought in the walls for squash so the squash ball didn’t roll away. My favorite part about squash is having fun with your friends.

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  1. I am so glad that you are enjoying the squash lessons. It is such a great game and a brilliant way to hang out with your friends.


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