Totara Park

How many schools do you know of that take their whole school out on a trip? Well that's what we do at BMPS. The whole school, every student, every teacher, the teacher aides, even our lovely nurse Lyn and Val from the office were there to enjoy the fun in the sun at Totara Park.

This year we had a special focus in Kahu 5 and that was to see as many birds as we could. This meant we had to be quiet as we walked around the bush and we were rewarded for our stealth. We saw loads of myna and sparrows which are very common but we also got to see cheeky piwakawaka,  Image result for piwakawaka beautiful and melodic tui, Image result for tui

and even some kereru. Image result for kereru We were so surprised how big they were. We didn't get to see any kahu but we did try. 

Miss Peters took us on a long and winding walk. Some of us thought she was lost even though she said she wasn't. A couple of people were sure they had never walked so far in all of their lives. 

When we finally got back to the pool area it was time for lunch, then it was our turn in the pool.

What a fabulous day!!!!!
